Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law
Barry University Dwayne O. Andreas School of Law is the only Dominican Law School in the United States and the first American Law School to be part of a university founded by religious women. The School of Law endeavors to offer a quality legal education in a caring environment with a religious dimension so that study and reflection lead to informed action and a commitment to social justice leads to collaborative service. The School of Law promotes the highest standards of ethics and competence in the practice of law and other pursuits. The School of Law seeks to challenge students to embrace intellectual, personal, ethical, spiritual, ecological, and social responsibilities in an atmosphere of academic freedom. The program strives to equip its graduates to apply the knowledge, values, and skills they acquire to enhance personal growth, the legal profession, the judicial system, society, and the Earth community. Within its Catholic Dominican tradition, the School of Law values matters of faith through religious freedom. The School of Law seeks to enhance diversity in our community and the profession and endorses recruitment and retention of members of underrepresented groups, particularly racial and ethnic minorities, in order to create a more diverse faculty, staff, and student body.
Adopted by the faculty of the School of Law on Aug. 16, 2013.