University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law

University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
The University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law is the only law school where you can earn a degree at any stage of your education, from undergraduate through doctoral. With distinguished faculty, bright students, and alumni who excel in law, business and the pursuit of justice, we’re enormously proud of what we've built. And yet, we know we can do even better and constantly ask how we can improve and find a better way forward. All of this is against the backdrop of the University of Arizona, one of the country’s top research universities whose faculty includes members of esteemed national academies, Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winners, and celebrated thought leaders who are changing how we see the world.


1201 E. Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85721-0176


Contact Details

College Main Phone Number 520-621-1373
JD Admissions (520) 621-3477
Dean's Office (520) 621-1498

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