American Institute of Law

American Institute of Law

A licensed California attorney, was the founding dean of ALU in 1995. Prior to that, Dean Green was the Southern California Regional Director of the largest and most successful bar review in California and the United States. After ALU, Dean Green became the academic dean of AHU in August 2010. Starting with zero (0) students, the school grew to an incredible size of over 100 students within one year. For the very first time in the school’s seven-year history, it had first-year students that successfully passed the FYLSX in October of 2011. The school continued to have success on the FYLSX and the latest statistics for the October 2014 FYLSX showed the school had an overall pass rate of 50%. Likewise, the school also, for the first time in their ten-year history accomplished two milestones, first, the school had their first juris doctorate (JD) graduate, and second, a gradute passed the July 2013 General Bar Examination (GBX). The latest statistics for the July 2014 GBX showed the school had overall pass rate of 33.3%.


18411 Crenshaw Boulevard, Suite 416, Torrance, CA 90504


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